All of you who have been pregnant have experienced different levels of hormone changes, nausea, weight gain, and many other common pregnancy complaints. I have thing weird thing built into me that says "If there's a problem, there must be a solution", so I try everything...until I find it. And I (almost) always do. So, here are the things I have found to work. Please note that there are many other things that have worked for other people. I have probably tried them all, but these are the things that actually worked for me.
Problem: Nausea (aka morning sickness, but we all know it can last all day)

Half of a Unisom sleep tablet and a vitamin b6 at bedtime. If it doesn't seem to help, try a whole Unisom, that's what I have to do. Many people say that ginger helps, but I really really don't like ginger, so that was hard for me. I stopped taking b6 when I started taking prenatals, not realizing that a couple days later my nausea would come back. I searched out what to do, and found that ginger capsules where known to help, so I bought some, and what do you know? They worked! Helped so much. Good luck! I also found sucking on mike and ike candy to be a huge help.
Problem: Constipation

Solutions: Magnesium Oxide. NOT the other magnesiums that are combined with calcium. The only ingredient on the bottle should be Magnesium Oxide. The one that seems to work best for me is made by Twin Lab, which you can find at most health food, or vitamin stores - or on Amazon. The great thing about Magnesium Oxide is that you can't "overdose" on it. Don't get me wrong, it will cause problems if you take too much, but it won't hurt you or the baby. Your body just gets rid of it if you take too much. That said, start small for about 3 days and see how you respond to it and add more if you need it. The other thing is EXERCISE! I know you didn't want to hear it, but it's sooooo true. I take my magnesium at night, and then I workout in the morning and voila, everything works as it should. This is even the case after pregnancy, by the way. Running always does it for me.
Problem: Hip/Back pain

Solution: I have been to acupuncture, massage and chiropractic. While all of these help, the best thing I have found for in-between appointments is the belly support band called the Prenatal Cradle Mini Cradle. It rhymes, so cute! It is cheapest on as well. It may not seem like it's doing anything, but anytime I'll be standing or walking for any amount of time, I throw that baby on, and I can go forever! What a life-saver it's been.
Problem: Horrible, Awful, Discusting Maternity Clothes (you know, places like Motherhood carries them)

Solution: Seriously, this place is wonderful. I hadn't heard about them until very recently. They are a clothing site based out of the UK. They have a huge maternity section as well as a completely separate clearance maternity section. The best thing about them is that the shipping is free BOTH directions! I bought two of everything I wanted to try on because I wasn't sure what size I would be. Yes, if I'm being honest, I put almost $700 on my credit card, but don't you worry, I sent most of it back. It didn't cost me anything except a temporary charge on my card, to try on everything I wanted to. Dresses ran from $17 to $60, leggings were under $18. I was specifically looking for dresses, so I didn't order anything shirts or pants, but they have a TON of stuff on their website.
Problem: Itchy Skin (you may get it on your belly, your breasts, your legs, or a combo of places)

Solution: Coconut Oil. Oh yummy, I love this stuff. I also make deoderant out of it, but that was in a previous post. This stuff leaves my skin so soft! My "milk" region just would NOT give up! I was scratching night and day, and it was not only embarassing, but it was also really really bad for my skin. I put it on my belly too, not b/c of the itchies, but because I'm trying to avoid stretch marks again, too. I still get a little itchy now and then, but not to teh point where I can't keep from scratching. You can also cook with this stuff, and it's so great for you.
Problem: Yeast Infections
Solution: Take an OTC probiotic three times a day. If you don't suffer from this during pregnancy, thank the Lord, right now! No one likes to deal with this, especially our poor deprived husbands. I notice when I get a little lazy on taking it, so just keep on it.
I think this is about it. Seems like I might be missing something, but I will just have to add to it. Sorry some of this is kinda yucky to talk about, but it's real stuff for us poor women who have the honor of bearing children. May you all live long and populate the earth with many loving, well-behaving children.